The JVM itself has internal locks used to serialize access to critical JVM resources such as the thread list and the global lock cache. JVM自身拥有内部锁,用于序列化对关键JVM资源(如线程列表和全局锁缓存)的访问。
A mutex in the thread-specific cache is acquired from the global lock cache. 线程专用缓存中的互斥锁从全局锁缓存中获得。
Many of our languages are dependent on fragile concurrency mechanisms, like threads with shared state, or possibly worse, a global lock that limits execution to a single thread on a single core. 许多语言依赖于脆弱的并发机制,比如线程和共享的状态,甚至是更糟的全局锁(它导致一个线程只能在单一核上执行)。
To help minimize mutex allocation and locking time, the JVM manages a global lock cache and a per-thread lock cache where each cache contains unallocated pthread_mutexes. 为了帮助实现互斥锁分配和锁定时间的最小化,JVM管理一个全局锁缓存和一个单线程锁缓存,其中每个缓存包含了未分配的pthreadmutex。
The global lock cache feeds the per-thread lock caches. 全局锁缓存将其内容提供给单线程锁缓存。
By not synchronizing on a global lock, it becomes much more difficult to perform operations that act on the map as a whole, such as the size() method. 由于没有在全局锁上同步,使得将map作为一个整体进行操作,例如size()方法,变得更加困难。
There is a global lock that the current thread holds to safely access Python objects. 当前线程必须持有全局锁,以便对Python对象进行安全地访问。
Activating this variable enforces tight coupling of XA transactions within the same global transaction ID, and enables the transactions to share lock space. 激活此变量,增强同一个全局事务ID中的XA事务的紧密耦合,并允许这些事务共享锁定空间。
Bankers said investors 'exit from commodities was due to a combination of concerns about weakening global economic growth; an attempt to lock in gains from earlier record price rises, and fears that large price volatility could lead to big losses. 银行业人士表示,投资者撤离大宗商品市场是多重因素所致:对全球经济增长势头减弱的担忧,试图锁住在此前创纪录行情中的获利,以及对价格大幅波动可能导致大额亏损的顾虑。
Multi-threaded programming is tricky, even with high level abstractions, and Python's Global Interpreter Lock limits the potential performance gain. 即使有很高的抽象,编写多线程的程序也需要很多技巧,Python的“全局解释器锁”(GlobalInterpreterLock)限制了潜在的性能提高。
Percolator has no central location for transaction management and lacks a global lock detector. Percolator没有提供用于事务管理的中心服务器,也没有全局锁侦测器。
For youth who are bold and able to survive hardship why not start looking towards the trends that are starting to shape the global economy and consider trying to lock in on the emerging economies? 对那些有勇有谋可以安然渡过危机的年轻人,干嘛不为全球化经济趋势做好准备并考虑锁定那些新兴经济体呢?
The reason is the Global Interpreter Lock ( GIL), sometimes referred to as Global VM Lock ( GVL). 这就是全局解释锁(GIL),有时候也叫做全局VM锁(GVL)。
The distributed global lock manager ensures the data integrity and consistency in concurrent multiprocessing applications. 分布式的全局锁管理协议为并发多处理应用提供支持。
In the global value chain perspective, developing country firms use the comparative advantage to enter production and processing section, but the comparative advantage does not converted to competitive advantage automatically, and even made the formation of low-end value chain lock. 在全球价值链的角度下,发展中国家企业利用比较优势进入生产加工环节,但比较优势不会自动转换为竞争优势,甚至会形成价值链低端锁定。